Sunday 24 April 2016

Importance Of Scripting

Importance Of Scripting

“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.”~Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald

Scripting plays a very important role in making a film. The start process for execution of ideation starts with the script. In the scrip everything needs to be mentioned starting from the characters, their dialogues, sounds, music, background, camera everything. Generally, when a film is supposed to be signed by the actors, the script by the scriptwriter is the bases on which the cast accepts or declines the movie/film.

Thus, scripting has a very major role to play in the film industry and is the starting point of the project.

Also, the budget really determines the nature of the script. If every shot and every action of the film is planned out in advance, it allows the video to be shot relatively quickly and really saves on the expense.

There are certain very important elements that need to be incorporated in a script to really make it sound wonderful and ultimately come up with a wonderful video/movie which will grab all the attention from the viewers. Also, in order to make the movie self explanatory, the script also needs to be self-explanatory. Focus on the opening statement, which is the first line of the video. This opening really hooks on the viewer, instead if boring the audience.
The concept of the story should be very strong and each character should be brought alive through their dialogues and story telling. There is no room for error in writing a script, and a proactive sense of humour that really touches the laughter bones of its audience is a  huge opportunity for the film to receive great feedback whereas if one compromises on the humour , the misinterpretation of humour can really make the film disastrous as humour plays a key element in every film. Thus the concept is the main focus after which transitions follow the pursuit.
One should play attention to the transitions. While it seems perfectly normal to you to cut to the picture of a man tripping up the stairs, the rest of the viewers watching the film may be dazed and utterly confused and left scratching their heads. Certain questions that ay arise in their heads may be-Why did he trip? Is that part of the product? And why is he orange?
Thus, it is as important to make a meaningful script as well as execute it well.

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